Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

We're not sure where Jimi and Rhett disappeared to but we found this cute pair! Check out the cowdog (complete with cowboy boots) and witch! Every year we split into teams to carve the pumpkins- Shawn and Jimi decided on Frankenstein and Rhett decided that we needed Lightning McQueen. Yeah for mom! It was great fun and soon Frankenstein was just Frank (you Cars fans will understand).

Trick or treating was an all day marathon this year- from the Kindergarten party to running errands they were in costume all day and collected treats at all the stores we went in.


Walker Family said...

Adorable!!! The pink hair and the cowboy boots are my favorite parts!

Mr. Zach said...

Halloween in December!
But anyway, turning Frankenstein into Frank was a pretty funny idea. Not even I, the Shocking Zach Walker could have thought of that.