Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rhett at his best!

Rhett is so funny! He is definately a mom's boy! All you have to do is ask him- he'll tell you. In spite of all that he tries his hardest to be just like his dad! He is rarely seen without a hat and boots- just like Shawn. He eats, sleeps and breathes cows- just like Shawn- the only difference is Rhett's are plastic. Rhett's most loved posession next to his cows is a red vehicle- just like Shawn! Rhett's however is a race car named Lightning McQueen and it goes fast, Shawn's 1989 GMC truck is a little different story!

Little Miss Drill Team

Jimi loves to dance and so when it is time for the high school drill team to have the "Little Miss Drill Team" she is all for it! They practice for three days and then perform at a basketball game. It is way fun! The t-shirts are donated by 1st Bank- where Shawn works- and have it printed on the back, so she thinks that is pretty cool too!
We love to watch her!

A Long, Long, Long, Cold, Cold, Cold Winter!

I am back in the blogging mode, so it is time to catch up! Our winter was way too long and way too cold! Jimi and Shawn dug a hole in one of our many giant drifts to make a snow cave. At one point during the winter this drift was just a few inches shorter than me! Another drift was as tall as the 6-foot fence it was by! Oh yeah- these weren't from the snow being pushed into drifts, these were courtesy of the never-ending wind!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Christmas Day!

Christmas Day! Jimi and Rhett hardly slept at all last night. Jimi tried to get us up about 2 or so, but it just wasn't in the cards. We made her stay in our room and after her asking 1-2 times every hour we finally let her get up when it was 6:00. Rhett wasn't thrilled at first about being woke up, but then he realized what was going on and perked right up!

Jimi must have been really good, cuz her Barbie house is huge and Rhett has enough rodeo bulls and horses to go into the stock contractor business! We spent the day playing with the new toys and eating prime rib- yum! Shawn has mastered the art of cooking it! It was a great day at our house!

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve! The kids are so excited! Shawn had to work for a little while in the morning, but when he came home Jimi, Rhett and I were already tracking Santa online. He joined in and pretty soon, we were playing games and eating junk! Grandpa Wynn came and stayed with us which means that the kids get to use their Cars and Dora inflatable beds! They think this is the best idea ever! We always let the kids open one present on Christmas Eve (mom's choice of the presents) and it never seems to fail that they open them to find new pajamas!

Jimi and Rhett decided that Santa would like to have oreos dipped in chocolate and a glass of milk for a snack, so after getting those ready it was off to bed!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Jimi's Christmas Program

Jimi had her first school program! Grandma Wendy, Shawn, Rhett and I went to watch her sing. They all wore scarves to look like carolers, but somehow many of the scarves ended up on their heads, arms or were used to distract the kids standing in front of them! It was entertaining to say the least! We are so proud of her!

The Tree Is Up!

We finally got our tree up, I have to say that I wasn't in much of a hurry to cover the floor of the new house with pine needles. My kids convinced me that I was a scrooge and Grandpa Wynn ventured out in the snow to get the perfect tree. I think we have had an Idaho tree since we moved to Montana, and this year could be no exception. If we would have had to find one around here, it may have been a sage brush!

The Tree Is Up!

The Lloyd Family Party

Well, by now I have accepted the fact that I blog like I scrapbook- in spurts! Now that it's been almost a month since my last post I'll start catching up with December!

We had the Lloyd party at Dwight and Kelly's in Randolph. The kids were pumped because they adore their family and Jimi loves Reagan's barbie house! It was so fun to see everyone- it seems like a year flies by faster and faster! We had a huge dinner and gift exchange!

Merry Christmas!