Okay- so reading Clay and Taylor's blog is so fun that I have the bug to blog again--
Life has changed tons since my last post- almost a year ago! Our biggest and best change is the addition of Paisley Ann on February 3, 2009! She has added so much happiness to our little family that we are all content to just sit around and look at her!
Jimi is going to turn 8 in July! She loves school and will start 2nd grade in the fall. She stays busy with dance, tumbling, barrel racing on Putter, playing Polly Pockets, and anything else that keeps her "in the loop". She is way social and loves to be silly!
Rhett turned 4 in April and celebrated by getting RSV! Not his happiest birthday! He is still the spitting image of his dad- except blonde headed- and loves anything and everything cowboy and Lightning McQueen! He is quite witty and keeps us on our toes. His sisters keep him in line-much to his dismay- but as long as he doesn't have to have anything to do with the color pink-loves to play with them!
Finally, Shawn and me. Little has changed about us-still a banker and chiro assistant-life is good. We will soon celebrate our 12th anniversary! Counting the 4 years we dated, that is nearly half our lives together- I can't speak for him, but my happiest half!